GLOBAL Semiconductor Alliance says it will increase awareness and visibility worldwide for its 3D integrated circuit initiative.

The GSA has retained semiconductor industry veteran, Herb Reiter to lead the 3D IC initiative. It has also formed relationships with IMEC, ITRI, SEMI, SEMATECH and Si2 to help direct and participate in this effort.

The GSA says it has presented papers and gained awareness for 3D IC at multiple global events, such as DATE 2010 in Dresden, DAC, SemiCon West and the GSA Emerging Opportunities Expo and Conference.

According to the Alliance, the 3D IC initiative will be a major feature of its second annual Memory Conference on 31 March 2011 in San Jose. The theme for the 2011 conference will be “Memory and Logic Integration and the Benefits of 3D IC Technology”.

The Alliance claims 3D IC is a way forward in the face of the challenges of rapidly increasing power dissipation of ICs and systems.

The wireless industry is also pushing for 3D IC stacks to meet the power and space constraints in Mobile Internet Devices, and the technology is expected to help meet next generation bandwidth and performance requirements.


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